Supported Metrics
The following tabs represent the Metric Category of VMWare Cloud Director
Native Type | Metric Name | Display Name | Metric Label | Units | Version | Description |
vCloud Director | vcloud_director_APIStatistics | vCloud Director API Statistics | Usage | 2.0.0 | Provides the number of API calls made within the frequency and resources. | |
vcloud_director_api_reachablity | vCloud Director API Reachability | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays if the vCD API is running or not, provides the possible api reachability values are Running(0) and Not Running (1) | |
vCloud Director Cell | vcloud_director_cell_status_isActive | vCloud Director Appliance Status | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays if the vCD Appliance/cell is active or not, provides the possible cell active status values are true(0) and false(1) |
vcloud_director_cluster_Health | vCloud Director Cluster Health | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays overall health of the vCD cluster, provides the possible Cluster Health values are HEALTHY(0),DEGRADED(1),READ_ONLY_PRIMARY(2),NO_ACTIVE_PRIMARY(3),SSH_PROBLEM(4) and CRITICAL_PROBLEM(5) | |
vcloud_director_cluster_Failovermode | vCloud Director Cluster Failover Mode | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays failover mode of the vCD cluster, provides the possible cluster failover mode values are MANUAL(0),AUTOMATIC(1), and INDETERMINATE(2) | |
vcloud_director_cluster_nodeRole | vCloud Director Cluster Node Role | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the role of a vCD cluster node, provides the possible cluster node role values are PRIMARY(0),STANDBY(1),OLD_PRIMARY(2) and UNKNOWN(3) | |
vcloud_director_cluster_nodeHealth | vCloud Director Cluster Node Health | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the health status of a vCD cluster node, provides the possible cluster node health values are HEALTHY(0),UNHEALTHY(1),INACCURATE_DATA(2) and UNRECOVERABLE(3) | |
vcloud_director_cluster_nodeStatus | vCloud Director Cluster Node Status | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the status of a vCD cluster node, provides the possible cluster node status values are running(0),* running(1),! running as primary(2), ! running as standby(3),! running(4), ? running(5) and ? unreachable(6) | |
vcloud_director_serviceStatus | vCloud Director Services Status | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the running status of vcloud director services, provides the possible VCD Services status values are start(0), running(1), dead (normal when appliance is in manual failover mode)(2), dead(3) and waiting(4) | |
vcloud_director_storagepartition_Status | vCloud Director Storage Partition Status | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the status of a storage partition in vCD, provides the possible Storage Partition status values are available(0) | |
vcloud_director_storagepartition_Usage | vCloud Director Storage Partition Usage | Usage | MB | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vCD storage partition usage | |
vcloud_director_storagepartition_Utilization | vCloud Director Storage Partition Utilization | Usage | % | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vCD storage partition utilization | |
vCloud Director Organization | vcloud_director_organization_Status | vCloud Director Organization Status | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the status of vCD Organizations, provides the possible organization status values are true(0) and false(1) |
vCloud Director Provider VDC | vcloud_director_providervDC_isEnabled | vCloud Director Provider VDC IsEnabled | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays if provider VDC of vCloud-director is enabled,provides the possible provider VCD state values are true(0) and false(1) |
vCloud Director Vcenter Server | vcloud_director_vcenter_isEnabled | vCloud Director vCenter Server IsEnabled | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays if the vcenter server is enabled, provides the possible VCenter server state values are true(0) and false(1) |
vcloud_director_vcenter_connection_Status | vCloud Director vCenter Server Connection Status | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays if the vcenter server connection status, provides the possible VCenter Connection status values are true(0) and false(1) | |
vcloud_director_vcenter_listenerState | vCloud Director vCenter Server Listener State | Availability | — | 1.0.0 | This metric displays if the vcenter server is listening, provides the possible VCenter Listener State values are CONNECTED(0) | |
vcloud_director_vcenter_totalMemory | vCloud Director vCenter Server Total Memory | Usage | Mb | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vcenter server total memory | |
vcloud_director_vcenter_reservedMemory | vCloud Director vCenter Server Reserved Memory | Usage | Mb | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vcenter server reserved memory | |
vcloud_director_vcenter_demandedMemory | vCloud Director vCenter Server Demanded Memory | Usage | Mb | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vcenter server demanded memory | |
vcloud_director_vcenter_totalCpu | vCloud Director vCenter Server Total CPU | Usage | MHz | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vcenter server total cpu in MHz | |
vcloud_director_vcenter_reservedCpu | vCloud Director vCenter Server Reserved CPU | Usage | MHz | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vcenter server reserved cpu in MHz | |
vcloud_director_vcenter_demandedCpu | vCloud Director vCenter Server Demanded CPU | Usage | MHz | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vcenter server demanded cpu in MHz | |
vcloud_director_vcenter_totalStorage (MB) | vCloud Director vCenter Server Total Storage | Usage | Mb | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vcenter server total storage capacity | |
vcloud_director_vcenter_freeStorage (MB) | vCloud Director vCenter Server Free Storage | Usage | Mb | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vcenter server free storage capacity | |
vcloud_director_vcenter_uncommittedStorage (MB) | vCloud Director vCenter Server Uncommitted Storage | Usage | Mb | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vcenter server uncommitted storage capacity | |
vcloud_director_vcenter_storageUtilization (%) | vCloud Director vCenter Server Storage Utilization | Usage | % | 1.0.0 | This metric displays the vcenter server storage utilization |
Default Monitoring Configurations
vCloud Director has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.
Default Global Device Management Policies
You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested names in global scope:
{appName nativeType - version}
Ex: vCloud-director VCLOUD DIRECTOR - 1 (i.e, appName = vCloud-director, nativeType =VCLOUD DIRECTOR, version = 1)
Default Global Templates
You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template adheres to the following naming convention:
{appName nativeType 'Template' - version}
Ex: vCloud-director VCLOUD DIRECTOR Template - 1 (i.e, appName = vCloud-director , nativeType = VCLOUD DIRECTOR, version = 1)
Default Global Monitors
You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors adheres to the following naming convention:
{monitorKey appName nativeType - version}
Ex: vCloud Director Reachability Monitor vCloud-director VCLOUD DIRECTOR 1 (i.e, monitorKey = vCloud Director Reachability Monitor, appName = vCloud-director , nativeType = VCLOUD DIRECTOR 1 , version= 1)