View the Agent Version in OpsRamp Console

Option 1: Using Resource Categories Option

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Resource.
  2. Under Resource Categories, select Servers and VMs.
  3. Choose the OS: either Linux-OS or Windows-OS to display the resource list.
  4. Click on the resource name from the list.
  5. The Resources slide-out appears on the right panel.
  6. Click View Details to access the resource details page.
  7. Click the Attributes tab.
  8. In the General Attributes section, you will find the Agent Version property displaying the current Agent version.

Option 2: Using Advanced Search Option

You can view the Agnet version using advanced search to filter Agent-Installed Resources:

  1. Select Infrastructure > Resources
  2. Click Advanced Search Option and enter the search string.
    For example, to filter Windows resources, enter:
    agentInstalled = “true” AND resourceTypePath = “Server >> Windows”
  3. Click on the resource name from the list.
  4. The Resources slide-out appears on the right panel.
  5. Click View Details to access the resource details page.
  6. Click the Attributes tab.
  7. In the General Attributes section, you will find the Agent Version property displaying the current Agent version.